Clothing Dedicated to Satan
This is the real deal. Smell Satanic sex everyday.
Used underwear of Father Graham
Father Graham will wear underwear for a week or so.
At your request, Father Graham can piss or cum in them or nothing.
Thats your choice.
As you worship Satan, lay underwear on your pillow or altar.
Smell the dried cum or piss.
Nova Scotia, Canada.
Ive been wearing your underwear every day and I Feel so powerful
I’m so glad you did Father Graham. I haven’t taken them off since I got them. I masturbate in them several times a day.
That’s how I view yours. Seeing the cum stains and the smell and knowing your cock and balls rested on them makes me so horny.
Father Graham, your underwear makes me feel so powerful for Satan.
Madrid, Spain.
I love your underwear.
When I go to bed, I lay your underwear on my pillow, and my mind goes to sex, and then I masturbate and worship to Satan.
The odour is so strong, and knowing that your balls and cock were in there.
My desire to worship Satan is overpowering
I underestimated the power that they generated.
I bought a pair of worn father graham underpants.
Father Graham wore it and there was urine and sperm in it.
When the underwear arrived and I opened the sealed bag, I was blown away and the odor was so intense.
I didn’t use any amyl when I prayed that evening, just Father Graham’s underpants, it was so exhilarating.
I’m going to buy another pair of pants .
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